Monday, December 11, 2006

How It All Started...

Let me take the time to introduce myself and tell you why I started this. My name is Chris. I am 19 years old and in my second year at my local community college studying to get my ADN (Associates Degree in Nursing.) One night while I was thinking about the things I've learned since I've been in college and all of the stuff my friends have told me about their college experiences. I wondered why I wasn't ready for some of the experiences and situations that I've had to deal with and how helpful it would have been if there was something that I could have read (like a guide) that told me what I was really in for. I have bought a library's worth of books and read as many online articles as I could find about "the college experience" and how to best be prepared for it. Don't get me wrong, most of the books and articles I've found have been really helpful but the problem is that the information isn't all in one place and some of the same issues are being written and rewritten about and others aren't mentioned at all. Now I'm sure your thinking "What makes you such an authority on college and what could you possibly tell me that I haven't heard before?" The honest answer is that I'm by no means an authority and there are tons of things I haven’t experienced yet and what I have to say might not help you at all, but my hope is that by starting this blog I can tell you what I know, you can tell me what you know by sending in some feedback and contributions and this could be something worth reading.

How I plan to do this is each post is a "how-to" on something each in the form of a "lesson". Some of the lessons will include links to articles I have found on the topic and additions or comments on the article that I've found helpful. If you have found any websties or articles you have found helpful be sure to send them to me and I can post them on here too.

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